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Stop and Smell the…. Dandelions :)

It finally felt like May today in Michigan!! Jackson and I went out to take advantage of the gorgeous 75 degree weather.  Our Spring has been all messed up this year… everything started to bloom in March when we had that crazy warm weather… and then it got cold again and the frost killed quite […]

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Color or Black & White…

I can’t ever seem to decide whether I like color or black & white versions of photos better.  So, what do you think?  Color or Black & White?     *I took this photo at a workshop with Jenny Cruger <3… I have yet to blog this session (gotta finish editing them first 🙂 ), […]

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My First Born :)

Yesterday evening I decided to try and get some shots of my first born, my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Elisabeth (aka Lizzy)… just so I could try out some new shooting and processing techniques.  She was more interested in trying to cuddle, though. 😀 I eventually got her to stay for me so I could […]

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